

I’ve noticed that a lot of topical medications have the words “Not for Ophthalmic Use” Basically this is not to be used to treat the eyes. We’re talking about ointments with salitic acid and AHA’s. What kind of a sick ophthalmologist would consider using these on their patients? Or what kind of an idiot says “Hey my dermatologist says this will help with the redness on my skin, I bet it would do wonders in my eyes” Either way we aren't dealing with the brightest folk, in which case I would suggest changing “Not for Ophthalmic Use” to “Don’t Put In Eyes.”


K said...

They have to put that on the packages so they won't get sued. After all people are so sue happy and sue for stupid things and most of the time they even win their stuipd suits

asterisk said...

Right on, Mormon Lady. Why would you word a warning in doctor-speak when it is so clearly not directed at doctors?

shelly said...

A side note on this one, I got a topical cream the other day that said in big letters on the side. Do not put in eyes......
looks like somebody's been reading my blog ;)